And play....ahhhh. The simplest yet hardest of them all (for me at least). This is a joyful release without any sort of intention. Think about how you see children play, dogs play....I’m really food at it on vacation - like throwing your hands in the air and screaming on a roller coaster. I guess for obvious reasons this is easier. In day to day life though I look for ways to make myself laugh. I’ll crack a silly joke with a patient at work, I’ll pretend to be a minion character (for my kids sure but also for my own joy), I’ll bust a move dancing next to my husband while he has his hands full cooking and can’t reciprocate 😂, and our family recently started playing rather spirited games of Harry Potter uno. Connecting with the gifts life has given me, and taking them as they come in the present moment has become my definition of play - like tongue wagging, retrieving the ball my owner lovingly tossed across the yard 🐶.
And isn’t it amazing how if you think about how the 4 interact together, they work to make the others even sweeter?
Carpe diem guys. 😊 May you eat, sleep, exercise and play today!