
PSA: Don’t be like Ross and Rachel. Half of all pregnancies are unplanned. 😬😬😬

Condoms are around EIGHTY FIVE PERCENT effective when they are being used in a “typical” way. Ie not always consistently or correctly. Rachel is telling you the effectiveness for “perfect use”. 😳😳😳😳 

More tips: 

1) if you are using a lubricant with a condom it needs to be “water-based.” Save the coconut oil for something else 🥥🎂🎂🎂 

2) Another method of birth control plus a condom equals more effectiveness! 

3) Keep using condoms to prevent STDs. 

4)Look for non-latex condoms like a Durex, Trojan, or Lifestyles brand if you or your partner have a latex allergy 

5)Check that expiration date! 

6)Guys, fit is important. Part of that whole typical vs perfect use. So this is the one time we won’t make fun of you for doing some measuring 😁📏


Love, Do, Hope.


We Should be Fixing Each Other’s Crowns.